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STSe srl head quarter consists of 7 main experimental laboratories, each equipped with internally developed test rigs. Each lab is dedicated to a peculiar measurement approach, with full flexible multi-labs approach to achieve specific requests. We offer complete measurement services for R&D or general testing for most of the automotive/heavy duty mechatronics components (e.g. high and low pressure liquid/gaseous injectors, after treatments system, pumps, complete wetsystem…) and many other areas involving fluid dynamics (chemical, medical, aeronautics…).

Flow Bench

Experimental test rig for head engine characterization. Mass flow rate, discharge and swirl coefficients can be measured at various valves lifts.

Hot Flow Bench

Experimental test rig for high temperature test on After Treatment Systems. A large variety of measures can be executed at great range of temperature, mass flow rate and pollutants dosing.

Spray Morphology, Velocimetry and Sizing

Experimental test rig for spray characterization in terms of geometry (penetration, angles), velocity and particles dimensions. Tests can be executed in various conditions of pressure and temperature.


Experimental test rig for fluid mass flow charaterization in terms of quantity and momentum in a large variety of conditions.


Experimental test rig for characterize components after hours of stress cycles. Tests can be executed on different components or complete systems (wet systems, after treatment system, ecc. ) in customable conditions regarding temperature, pressure, duration, pulses ecc.


Coming soon!

currently is being built a dedicated laboratory for hydrogen esperimental test.

WIP - STS Engineering